Friday, August 26, 2011

Its been awhile....but this A-train is moving!!!!

Hello Everyone! Its been a few days since Ive talked about my desire to get up in Troys grill......I have some work to do. Apparently the walking bear is down about 16lbs......damn we would be running away with this challenge if he would have been a loyal partner....instead...Im going to have to step my game up. At this point...Im only lagging by a few lbs....and my partner seems to be kicking butt. Im very proud of her. I have been back working out at some sort of capacity here lately....each time my incisions keep busting open. (sucks) The workouts have been great and Im sore as hell. I went to the PT again today and he was a little less than thrilled about my activities. I am under orders to do NO more lower half working out until at least Monday......WTF......guess these bad boys will never heal if I dont quit it. Soooo.......I will be doing some upper body movements for the next few days until I get the release. I really dont want to keep prolonging this damn injury.

So this paleo challenge is really pretty easy so far....I still get hungry as hell and bored of not being able to eat all of the bad food that I crave. The hardest part for me is the sweets......dang it.....I just want some cake or ice cream. I have learned quite a few recipes that really taste good. I think I can do this type of lifestyle! I will be taking advantage of cheat days once this challenge is over....Im dying for some french toast or pancakes....and no...I dont want almond flour pancakes without syrup....that would be like....well never mind. No thanks!

I still have my beard my normal everyday weight is still above my goal weight....(although after my workouts, I am a pound or two under) I think I look way different....maybe Ill post a pic of my "challenge beard"

Anyways.....a quick "atta boy" to everyone sticking to this challenge...its a good type of suck...but proud of everyone that can do it! I think we will see a bunch of changes.

Until the next time and a better update on my journey to Kicking Troys Ass.....keep it real.....Word!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Im thinking we need more updates and info.........

Sorry for the delay in blogging....been trying to act tough and get my wheels back under me! Quick shout out to Marne for bringing me her cryocuff....such a good friend!

How bout this....Ive had Bfast in bed the last 4 I love my mommy. Dont hate....just appreciate and be jealous.

I really do have pretty awesome friends....Jeff and Kerry P. came over last night...brought me some primal chili....(which is amazing).....also brought some desert....but Ive not had any....Im afraid Ill eat it all and it will have a negative effect on my challenge.....

I think I will try to make it into the box tonight for some sort of workout. I have PT at 3...and should know more of what I can do. I am putting weight on my feet as much as I can handle. I did unwrap the nubs last night to show the Peters....dang feet are all bruised.... I have to say...I dont love it.

So my partner and I are in 15th place to start the challenge. We have a big hill to climb. I wish I were in there sweating and getting I can feel like part of the team....instead...I did wheel my fat ass around exit 10 for about 45 min.....I have a new respect for people in wheelchairs....that was some tough crap!~

Ok, back to the challenge....I think we should petition Bryn to post more info for competition....last time we did was towards the end before anyone had a clue where they stood or how it was calculated! I would like to know how the different categories are weighted in regards to success points. Anyone with me on this?

I found out last night that damn Troy is down 8 lbs......makes me really want to run over his hands and feet with my chair......I need to get moving......his ass needs kicked bad. Remember.....he ditched me.....dont ever forget it.....he will pay....

Dont let this post cloud your mind on how I feel about his wife though......Jess is still my girl......just gonna kick Troys ass.......he needs it anyway :)

Be back soon....keep it rollin!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Beef Jerky, Walnuts, and some fruit............Bravo!

Happy Monday...Im laying in bed after sleeping all freaking surgery seemed to go well. Im just now feeling a bit of the pain..the after surgery meds must have been awesome. I could really go for some ice cream or cheesecake right now....I just cant...I would feel guilty for my parter. Ugh...I did have some sugar free jello after surgery...(dr's orders)

Im looking forward to my follow up visit with my doctor tomorrow at 2....I get to see video and pictures....God help him if for some reason he has my on my stomach at all during the procedure ...hahaha.....gross

Well lets hope I can get back to kicking Troys ass soon......I miss my family at CFIN.....been a minute!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

The last supper...............word

Today is case you were really being Paleolithic and decided to find a cave to live in and throw away your cell phones.......

I want to throw a shout out to Dr. achy body is getting better every day. I stayed in bed awhile today...not real anxious to get up....but did....and cooked a hearty helping of scrambled eggs with bacon.....again to all of you bacon haters.....I love it...and Jeff Peters loves Im good with it. So back off!

I went to Barnes and Nobles today and bought another Paleo book....I am relying on Savy to read it in its entirety and get me the cliffs notes. A book without multiple pictures or sports stats is just painful for me to read...oh well :)

Lets get to the meat and potatoes of this blog...and that is to kick Troys ass......only problem is that I might be relying on him to get me out of my Jeep and into my house after I will refrain from all of the kicking his ass comments until late tomorrow.....just bare with me...

The fish tacos I cooked tonight were amazing. That with steamed veggies really hit the spot. For once I do not feel hungry......not sure why.....I didnt even get to have ice cream or candy.....sheesh. If anyone needs this killer recipe, just call a brotha....Im down with sharing knowledge! (dont get to do that very often)

Ok, well tomorrow morning at 630am...Ill be at the surgical center......thinking of kicking Troys ass.....(after he helps me into my house) I hope to wake up from surgery (damn Ill be pissed if I never wake up) and give you guys an update. I just hope they dont do anything weird to me while Im under......damn doctors....cant trust

Ok, well Ill be back soon........

Friday, August 12, 2011

Im a true believer in Dr. Brad.........

So my quest to beat the crap out of Troy is partially on hold.......After wrecking my back on Wednesdays WOD....I couldnt hardly get out of bed or walk. I was taken by life flight to the Chiropractor/Neurology center. I had the privilege of being worked on by both doctors in Brads office and a smooth 45 min of ice and electro stimulation. ....

Well....woke up this morning with the same issues......Im old and my back sucks....went back to Brad today and after about 1.5 hours of TLC....I can walk without sobbing. Im just hoping that this crap is better before I have to play Lt. Dan in my new ride!

Enough of that stuff.....lets get back to whipping Troys ass......Im on day 4 of the paleoness...and it kind of sucks...but no cheating for me. I have to be lean and mean if Im ever going to get my fat ass out of that buggy. I will be doing my workouts at the box as much as possible if I can just find people willing to get me there and back home. If you happen to be one of the poor people bored enough to be reading this....let me know if you wanna help.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I think I was hit by a bus...........from Anderson Speedway

So I woke up this morning still wanting to kick Troy's ass....but felt like he ran me over in one of those Anderson School buses. Damn....a couple of months of not really doing anything and Cindy will whip your ass!

I still cant stop thinking about the ass beating Im gonna give after properly waking up with my nectarines, almonds and a cup of coffee........(still damn sore) I went to work.

I sat around on my butt all day doing work things....and wouldnt you know old ass body is getting more sore by the minute. When it was time for and big sexy went to have a few eggs and some bacon....yeah I know that bacon isnt on the preferred food list...but who cares...I love it.

After work I had to kick my own ass and convince myself to go workout. (dumb call) Its a good thing that I have a partner to be committed to, or I would not have taken my lactic acid filled ass to the box.

I got to the box and felt like poop.....but still managed to get through most of the workout. Now Im home....about to grub on some pork tenderloin that has been slow cooking all day....Love you all....but dont worry...Im still kicking Troys ass!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

So I thought my motivation would be low.......

But hell no.....after being asked by Troy's sorry ass to be a partner in the 45 day Paleo Challenge...then getting dumped because "he doesnt think he can win with a handicapped partner" motivation to kick his ass is at an all time high. Just sayin...